Books That Connect Social Emotional Learning and Dyslexia

Today, we’re excited to share with you books that you can use to help connect social-emotional learning with your students who have dyslexia or with your whole class. We apologize in advance for any negative impact this list has on your wallet! These are all such great books, you’re definitely going to run out or hit Amazon and grab a few (if not all of them!)
Using books is a great way to bridge conversations about learning, dyslexia, and learning differences. They are great for classroom meetings, character education, teaching character traits, and learning differences. Never underestimate the power of a book! There are a lot of wonderful, wonderful books for all ages. We want to share with you some of our very favorites.
Here are our favorite books for connecting social-emotional learning and dyslexia!
Picture Books for young students.
1. Thank You, Mr. Falker by Patricia Polacco
This is a tried and true favorite in the dyslexia community. This book really helps to instill a love of books, and that is one of the greatest gifts we can give our students!
2. Aaron Slater, Illustrator by Andrea Beaty (from The Questioneers series)
The main character in this story is dyslexic. We know that children need to be able to see themselves in the books they read. Because it’s part of a series, this one has familiar characters and a nice rhyming flow. The main character, Aaron, is struggling with the fact that he can’t read yet and he finds creative ways to express himself.
3. Everybody is Somebody by Henry Winkler (Book #12, in the Henry Zipzer series)
What a beloved series the Hank Zipzer series is! Henry Winkler is such an incredible gift to the dyslexia community. Hank Zipzer is such a loveable character and kids just love him. It’s fun and enjoyable!
4. Magnificent Meg: A Read-Aloud Book to Encourage Children with Dyslexia by Andra Harris
We love this story because Andra Harris wrote this book for her daughter. She really talks about having conversations about dyslexia with your child. She also shares practical and actionable strategies. She even includes a whole page of conversation starters you can use with your kids to help them find their strengths. There’s also an entire section of notes to the parents.
5. After the Fall: How Humpty Dumpty Got Back Up Again by Dan Santat
This is a really lovely spin on the classic Humpty Dumpty story we all know and love. It talks about how his legendary fall is only half the story. This book goes into the incredible things that happen once Humpty Dumpty gets back up again. This is one we read to our students and use as a springboard to a mini-lesson to talk about our obstacles and our achievements.
6. Dyslexia Explained: Without the Need for Too Many Words by Mike Jones
This is a great one from It does a great job of talking about dyslexia in a way that is really kid-friendly.
Books for older students and adults.
1. Looking for Heroes: One Boy, One Year, 100 Letters by Aidan Colvin
Aidan Colvin created this book where he contacted 100 people to provide advice about their experience with dyslexia. He included dyslexic entrepreneurs, doctors, artists entertainers, authors, celebrities, you name it. We love the advice to let go of shame and play to your strengths.
2. Creative, Successful, Dyslexic: 23 High Achievers Share Their Stories by Margaret Rooke
This book shares the journeys of twenty-three well-known people with dyslexia. They offer advice that empowers others with dyslexia.
3. Percy Jackson Series by Rick Riordan
This is a series that connects so much of the journey and empowerment for our students in a really fun way. Rick Riordan wrote this series because his son has dyslexia and ADHD. He chose to make Percy dyslexic to honor the potential of all of the kids he knew who have these conditions.
Giveaway Details!
Want to win a bundle of ALL of the books mentioned above? Well, it’s your lucky day (maybe.) We’re giving away this amazing book bundle to one lucky listener/reader! To enter, all you need to do is CLICK HERE and fill out the form. We’ll announce the winner on our next podcast episode (dropping December 6, 2021.)
For more great books that connect social-emotional learning to dyslexia, check out our latest episode of the Together in Literacy podcast. If you like what you hear, don’t forget to rate, leave a positive review, and subscribe!
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